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Energy Consumption Meters

  • Applications: Ampere Meter, Voltage Meter, Multifunction Meter, Consumption Meter
  • Type: Analog, Digital
  • Voltage Range: 0-600 VAC
  • Amp Range: 10000 Amp
  • CT: With CT and Without CT
  • Phase: 3 Phase
  • MOC: Iron and Plastic

The Ampere Meter, Voltage Meter, Multifunction Meter, and Consumption Meter are key instruments used in various industries for monitoring and measuring electrical parameters. These meters come in different types including analog and digital, with voltage ranges of up to 600 VAC and amp ranges of up to 10,000 amps.

The use of these meters is critical in ensuring the proper functioning of electrical equipment and systems. With accurate readings, engineers and technicians can troubleshoot issues, identify faulty equipment, and optimize operations to reduce downtime and improve efficiency.

The Ampere Meter, Voltage Meter, Multifunction Meter, and Consumption Meter are available in both CT and non-CT versions. CT, or Current Transformer, is a device that measures the electrical current in a circuit. The use of CTs in the meters ensures accurate readings and enhances safety by reducing the risk of electrical shock.

The meters come in 3-phase configurations, making them suitable for use in industrial applications. They are constructed using high-quality materials such as iron and plastic, ensuring their durability and longevity in harsh environments.

The technical specifications of these meters vary depending on the model and type. They are designed to measure parameters such as voltage, current, power, energy, and frequency. The digital meters feature LCD displays that show real-time readings, while analog meters use dials and needles to display readings.

These meters are subject to various certification standards such as the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Compliance with these standards ensures that the meters meet the required safety and performance standards for use in various industries.

In conclusion, the Ampere Meter, Voltage Meter, Multifunction Meter, and Consumption Meter are critical instruments used in various industries for monitoring and measuring electrical parameters. These meters come in different types and configurations, with varying technical specifications and certifications, making them suitable for use in a wide range of applications. The use of high-quality materials such as iron and plastic ensures their durability and longevity, while compliance with certification standards ensures their safety and performance.