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  • Regular Use Ceiling Fan, Exhaust Fan, Table Fan, Wall Fan, Stand Fan
  • Supply Voltage: 24 VDC, 230 VAC, 440 VAC
  • Customized Order Preferring for Bulk Qty. 
  • With Suitable Rate

Introducing our range of high-quality fans suitable for regular use in households and industrial settings. Our fans come in different types, including ceiling fans, exhaust fans, table fans, wall fans, and stand fans, to cater to different needs and preferences.

Our fans are made of durable and high-quality materials that ensure longevity and excellent performance. We use materials such as aluminum, steel, and ABS plastic in the construction of our fans to ensure they can withstand harsh conditions and environments.

Our fans are designed to operate under different supply voltages, including 24VDC, 230VAC, and 440VAC. This versatility ensures that our fans can be used in various settings, including homes, offices, factories, and workshops.

We offer customized orders for our fans, primarily for bulk orders, where we tailor our products to meet specific requirements. We understand that different settings require different types of fans, and that’s why we offer customization services to cater to specific needs.

Our fans are competitively priced, making them suitable for different budgets. We ensure that our products are affordable without compromising on quality, ensuring that our customers get the best value for their money.

Our fans come with various technical specifications, including power consumption, blade size, motor speed, and noise level. These specifications are critical in determining the efficiency and effectiveness of our fans. We ensure that our products meet or exceed industry standards, ensuring that our customers get the best quality products.

Our fans are certified by relevant regulatory bodies, ensuring that they meet safety and quality standards. We ensure that our products meet or exceed these standards, ensuring that our customers are safe while using our products.

In conclusion, our fans are of high quality, durable, and efficient, making them suitable for different settings. We offer customization services for bulk orders, ensuring that our customers get products tailored to their specific needs. Our fans come with various technical specifications and certifications, ensuring that they meet or exceed industry standards. Get in touch with us today and experience the best in fan technology at a suitable rate.